What’s Impacting Your Motivation and Progress?

All About Needs

LIT Podcast Episode #4: All About Needs <iframe src="https://player.pippa.io/5c3cf8a43a05b4af37e3af0f/episodes/5c3cf8ade361f4007ae6460f?theme=default&cover=1&latest=1" frameBorder="0" width="100%" height="110px"...
What’s Impacting Your Motivation and Progress?


LIT PodcastEpisode #3: Choices <iframe src="https://player.pippa.io/5c3cf8a43a05b4af37e3af0f/episodes/5c3cf8ade361f4007ae64610?theme=default&cover=1&latest=1" frameBorder="0" width="100%" height="110px"...
What’s Impacting Your Motivation and Progress?

What’s Your Changemaker Archetype?

LIT Podcast Episode #2: What’s Your Changemaker Archetype? <iframe src="https://player.pippa.io/5c3cf8a43a05b4af37e3af0f/episodes/5c3cf8ade361f4007ae64611?theme=default&cover=1&latest=1" frameBorder="0" width="100%"...
What’s Impacting Your Motivation and Progress?

Why LIT?

LIT Podcast Episode #1: What is LIT? <iframe src="https://player.pippa.io/5c3cf8a43a05b4af37e3af0f/episodes/5c3cf8ade361f4007ae64612?theme=default&cover=1&latest=1" frameBorder="0" width="100%" height="110px"...
Why Your True Self Matters

Why Your True Self Matters

In my last couple of articles, I’ve talked about connecting with your inner self. Your true, authentic self. This propels you into a more defined person who sticks true to your values, your boundaries, and most of all, to you. Today, I want to take that a step...
Be Real

Be Real

I had a session with a client not too long ago where she was struggling to find direction, to pick up momentum in her business and ultimately, make money. She was facing all sorts of emotions, frustration, anxiety, fear, self-esteem issues and more. Although this...
Be You

Be You

Did you read my last blog post? Anyone who’s read 3 Steps to Overcoming Fear might be thinking, “hmm…the voice in the article doesn’t sound a lot like the voice on the rest of her site.” And for anyone who’s thinking that,...
3 Steps To Overcoming Fear

3 Steps To Overcoming Fear

A few years ago, I bought my first car. I’m not going to lie, it was a total fiasco. I experienced every emotion under the sun, faced my biggest fears, and learned me some valuable life lessons along the way. My first real car wasn’t a beater or a loaner from my...